Male monarch butterfly
© Beatriz Moisset
A few days ago, I arrived at my favorite native flower
garden at Churchville
Nature Center
with my camera, looking for pollinators as usual. A mother, also with a camera
hanging from her neck, was visiting the garden with two children.
Black swallowtail caterpillar on fennel
© Beatriz Moisset
Milkweed tussock moth
on common milkweed
© Beatriz Moisset |
She pointed at a fuzzy, hairy, colorful caterpillar eating
milkweed leaves. "Look at the monarch butterfly caterpillar," she
said to the kids.
I couldn't stay quiet, "It is a tussock moth
caterpillar," I explained.
"Oh, yes," she saved face by adding, "it will
turn into a large moth, the tussock moth."
Later, she moved to a fennel plant and announced: "this
is the plant that monarch caterpillars need for food."
The real thing,
monarch caterpillar on common milkweed
© Beatriz Moisset
Should I have corrected her again? I would have to explain
that monarchs feed only on milkweeds. Black swallowtails are the ones that need
fennel. I simply walked away shaking my head.
Monarchs, monarchs, monarchs! I thought. How often people
mistake anything else for monarchs?
Tiger swallowtail
© Beatriz Moisset
Just a few days earlier, a gentleman photographer at Pennypack Nature Center
was busy snapping shots of something I couldn't see at the time. "There is
a monarch right there." He pointed at a gorgeous large black-and-yellow
striped butterfly with trailing tails on its wings, nothing like the orange and
black monarch.
"It is a tiger swallowtail," I told him.
Fritillary butterfly on butterfly weed
© Beatriz Moisset
Then, I remembered all the times when people look at my
framed photo of a fritillary butterfly and ask me if, or even tell me that, it
is a monarch. All this sounds like Elvis Presley's sightings.
From pandas to dolphins to monarch butterflies: some animals
become iconic. The monarch butterfly is, perhaps, the most iconic of all
insects. Entomologist Marlin Rice (Iowa
State University)
referred to the monarch as the "Bambi of the insect world." This
spectacular butterfly acquired its fame, in part due to a movement devoted to preserve
the monarch and its remarkable migration. The movement is sponsored by websites
such as
Monarch Watch, the
Monarch MonitoringProject, and a few others listed in the
Walter H. Sakai's website.
They are all worthy causes that engage the public; these projects can use the
income generated by all the publicity.
I applaud the efforts of these organizations. At the same
time, I wonder: A poster child is valuable if it raises awareness of a broader
issue. The ecological importance of the monarch butterfly is that it is one of
many species at risk because of human-caused habitat degradation. Other species
may not be as appealing as the poster child, but they deserve our attention,
Red admiral, sometimes
mistaken for a monarch
© Beatriz Moisset
The real thing, monarch butterfly on common
© Beatriz Moisset
Milkweeds, Monarchs and More: The Milkweed Community
List of articles
Beginners Guide to Pollinators and Other Flower Visitor
© Beatriz Moisset. 2013