Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria
Its tiny caterpillars will survive the winter
Beatriz Moisset
Winter has arrived. What happened to
all the six legged creatures we saw in summer? Where did the
crawling, scuttling, flitting, buzzing multitudes go? Those of us who
live in temperate and colder climates notice the disappearance of
practically all insects when the weather gets cold. We are talking
about the ones that live outdoors, not about those aggravating
creatures that turn our houses into their homes.
Red admiral (Vanessa atalanta), one of
the travelers
© Beatriz Moisset
of our favorite butterflies illustrate three
different winter strategies.
1. Most
adult butterflies die, the next generation lives on
2. A few
migrate to warmer climates
3. Even
fewer hunker down and wait for spring to come
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© Beatriz Moisset. 2016